European Alliance Against Coronavirus | agenda
All European Alliance Against Coronavirus videoconferences are held using the same link:
Sessions of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus:
- Wednesday 15/7 8:30 CET
'Open for business'. European economy, the Recovery Plan and how clusters can help
Veronica Elena Bocci, DITECFER
- Thursday 16/7 8:30 CET
Short value chains in agri food
Blaga Popova, DG GROW
Felix Arion, Agrocluster Romania
- Friday 17/7 8:30 CET
The post-COVID19 Workplace
Pablo González, Batch Arquitectura, Smart City Cluster
- Saturday 18/7 9:00 CET
Recap of the week and next improvements to apply
- Thursday 23/7 10:30-12:30 CET
The role of European Clusters in Recovery Strategies
By the ECCP – Register now: