POLAND: Solutions in transportation

The Polish COP Cluster is looking for carriers and transport organisations (transport clusters) with good relations to carriers which could help in the delivery of equipment straight from the place of production to the destinations – EU airports and others (.g. the US, Florida).

In a difficult situation of global threat like the COVID-19 pandemic, the COP Cluster, in consultation with the Polish Clusters Association and in cooperation with the most outstanding Polish economists, takes part in the preparation and evaluation of government proposals for anti-crisis solutions for Polish enterprises. At the same time, using its partners around the world, it operates in the sphere of trade organisations and supporting wholesale supplies of protective equipment and medical devices for medical services in Poland and other EU Member States.

More information: https://www.clustercollaboration.eu/achievements/poland-solutions-transportation

Employers' Association Polish Clusters

(Związek Pracodawców Klastry Polskie)

ul. Księcia Bolesława 1/3
01-452 Warszawa

Telephone: 533 911 904

E-mail: poczta@klastrypolskie.pl

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